Pacific West Associates, Inc.
What Are Recreational Vehicles?
Recreation vehicles are primarily designed as temporary living quarters for recreation, camping or seasonal use. Additionally, Recreational Vehicles has its own motive power or is mounted on or towed by another vehicle; is regulated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration as a vehicle or vehicle equipment; does not require a special highway use permit for operation on the highways; and can be easily transported.
They are built on a single chassis, mounted on wheels and have a gross trailer area not exceeding 400 square feet in the set-up mode. (The 400 square foot set up mode is inclusive of fifth wheel type trailers, and travel trailers in the State of Oregon.) Each Recreational Vehicle is certified by the manufacturer as complying with NFPA 1192 Standard for Recreational Vehicles. There are several classifications of Recreational Vehicles:
Travel Trailers (bumper pull)
Fifth Wheel Trailers
Slide in Truck Campers
Class "A" Motorized
Class "B" Motorized
Class "C" Motorized
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is an association which establishes procedures and guidelines to create recognized minimum safety standards for products used by both consumers and industry. NFPA sanctions standards that have been created following rigid consensus procedures which allow all affected entities to have a voice in the development process. Among the critical issues reviewed by NFPA is the make-up of the committee empowered to establish or revise the Standard. All segments must be represented and no specific interest group or Tradde Association can be in a position to dictate the outcome.
The Standard covers over 500 individual safety related requirements that must be complied with in the production and/or repair of Recreational Vehicles. The requirements found in this Standard (either directly or by reference) include sections covering electrical, plumbing, structural, heating & AC, fire, and life safety issues.
Copies of this 52 page Standard are available from
Pacific West Associates, Inc.,
P.O. Box 40140, Casper, Wyoming,
Phone: (503)-970-1474, FAx: (307)-234-3344
Manufacturers Build To This Standard
Manufacturers self-certify to build to the Standard. However, Pacific West Associates, Inc. clientele voluntarily subscribe to our more stringent third party inspection and quality control oversight programs. Pacific West Associates, Inc. standards Inspections are conducted every 90 days. Pacific West Associates, Inc. has demonstrated their ability to meet the requirements (stipulated by the American Society for Testing and Materials Standard E699-16) for a third party agency. Our Clientele have chosen to partner with us as their approved agency. All products on location destined for shipment and resale in the United States shall be inspected for compliance.
State Mandated NFPA1192 Standards Inspections
Three agencies of state government also hold enforcement powers over the Recreational Vehicles sold or produced in their state and verify compliance with the NFPA1192 Standard. These states are: Nebraska, Oregon, and Washington. Many other States require proof of compliance to the Standard by application of recognized certification insignia.
Uniform Interpretations And New Technology
Keeping the Standard up to date and insuring that the inspections and enforcement procedures are uniform in their application are two of the primary missions of Pacific West Associates, Inc.. To assist our clientele with continuity PWA publishes and updates A Handbook for the NFPA 1192 Standard which covers any and all interpretations and gives the details on how the Standard shall be applied.
The maintenance of the handbook is based upon a consensus of interpretations from the various inspecting organizations, both governmental and third party. The NFPA1192 Handbook also provides guidance to the builders, suppliers and repair firms. Copies of the handbook and the first year's subscription to an updating service are available from Pacific West Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 40140, Casper, Wyoming, 82604 Phone: (503)-970-1474, Fax: (307)-234-3344.